Time To Shit Talk … Literally


We all do it daily (or we all should do it daily), but rarely do we get the chance to talk about it or ask the question, is my shit normal? Taking a moment to notice your poops can help decipher what's going on in your digestional tract, and answer some questions you couldn't find the answers to otherwise. 

Let's start with the basics. Poop is 75% water and 25% solid matter (microbes, mucus, fiber, gut lining). The transit time in the colon helps determine how much water is absorbed in the poop. Changes in our shit schedule and type are dependent on the usual suspects; diet, lifestyle, and emotions (such as stress). 

So, how do we know what a healthy poop looks like? According to the Bristol Stool Chart, there are 7 types of poop, and each type indicates something major about your digestive system:

  1. Hard, small lumps: hard to pass, with slower transit time in your colon, this type is considered constipation

    1. Causes can be: dehydration, microbiome bacteria imbalance, lack of fiber

  2. Lumpy sausages: similar to type 1, it indicates constipation, and can be painful to pass

    1. Causes can be: dehydration, microbiome bacteria imbalance, lack of fiber

  3. Sausage with cracks: shorter transit time, considered in “normal” range

    1. Causes can be: proper hydration, fiber and nutritious diet

  4. Long, smooth snake-like: the most ideal and easy to pass

    1. Causes can be: proper hydration and gut bacteria

  5. Soft blobs with clear cut edges: common for fast digesters and people who poop more than once a day

    1. Causes can be: fast digestion, lack of fiber

  6. Soft blobs with ragged edges: considered mild diarrhea, quick transit time and need to be passed ASAP

    1.  Causes can be: stress, spices, laxatives

  7. Watery, no solid pieces: diarrhea, can be dangerous in the long term as many fluids are lost, but if the body’s doing it while you’re sick it’s a way for it to quickly rid you of pathogens or toxins 

    1. Causes can be: illness, stress, nutrient malabsorption 

Now that you're familiar with the types, let's talk about their frequency. How often should I be shitting? The ideal amount of time is once a day, up to 3 times a day is ideal as well! But nothing more, as that can indicate nutrient malabsorption. If pooping occurs less, you may be experiencing constipation. What causes constipation? Thought you’d never ask! Constipation can be caused by:

  • Lack of fiber

  • Low - carb diets

  • Dehydration

  • Too much dairy

  • Medications

  • Lack of exercise / movement 

  • Stress 

Having issues with the ease of taking a shit? Just like in anything, proper form is crucial for optimizing your time on the toilet. Naturally we took shits by squatting, the body's proper way of passing poop through the colon. The modern day toilet doesn’t account for this, but luckily there are ways to still have proper pooping form! Putting a box under your feet, or purchasing a squatty potty, can help mimic the squatting form and make passing poops a lot easier. 

A topic that’s taboo to many, but is so crucial in the quality of a person's life and their digestive system. Have more questions on if your poop is normal, and what to do if it’s not? Reach out to me here


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