Red Wine & Chocolate: The Healthiest Indulgence


You only live once, and you deserve to enjoy the life you live! But there are many things we consume in life’s enjoyments that can backtrack us from the goals we’re trying to achieve. Where we deserve to relax and let loose, we don’t want to offset any progress we’ve made. Many of our cravings can be satisfied through foods our bodies feel fulfilled consuming. Whenever I’m craving something sweet or want to treat myself, my go-tos are dark chocolate and high quality reds. 

It’s not new knowledge that red wine and dark chocolate have their health benefits, but let’s take a closer look as to what those are and if they’d be a beneficial swap for your cravings. 

One of the chemical components in red wine and chocolate are polyphenols. Polyphenols have an antioxidant effect on the body, something that’s both anti-aging and anti-inflammatory. Through moderate consumption of both red wine and chocolate, you get the added benefits of polyphenols while also satisfying your sweet tooth or indulgence. 

My personal favorite reds are Pinot Noirs or Cabernet Savignon. I’m newer into the appreciation of reds, but these two are jam packed with polyphenols while also not being too dry and unsweet. 

So when you’re winding down at the end of a long, successful day, try to crowd out poorer end-of-day choices with quality. It’s important to not sacrifice the fueling of your soul, while also not sacrificing the fueling of your body. 


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