Find Your Zen With Group or Private Yoga Taught By Yours Truly!

Interested in adding yoga to your events itinerary? What about private sessions for a more intimate approach to yoga? Amelias got you covered!

Group Sessions:

A practice that's curated specifically around your events needs and schedule, group yoga with Amelia can help calm the energies and strengthen the bodies of you and your group, setting the tone for the rest of the day's plans! Beachside, poolside, or inside, whichever location fits your vibe. Power, restorative, or meditative, whichever flow fits your vibe. Ask and you shall receive!

1:1 Private Sessions:

An individually tailored class created for your body's unique needs. Disregard the world around you and drown yourself in self love, private yoga sessions with Amelia help you to tap into that intuition you need to better pursue your dreams. Curated for wherever, whenever, and whichever style yoga works for you, you get to work directly with Amelia on creating your unique private yoga oasis.

Interested in having Amelia of Happy Healthy Hershey guide yoga for your event or private 1:1 sessions? 

Want to know Amelia’s qualifications?