Spring Has Sprung…& So Have My Sinuses


Hay fever catching up to you this spring time? You’re not alone. Allergies to pollen have increased significantly over recent years, and even though the bloom of spring is beautiful, it can cause serious disruptions to your health. What are allergies? Why do they develop? Is there anything I can do to ease symptoms? Let’s dive deeper into why we suffer and how we can suffer less. 

The most important aspect of the immune system is its ability to tell the difference between invaders and what is actually supposed to be inside of us. There's three ways the immune system can make mistakes; immune deficiency, autoimmunity, and allergies. Allergies are a damaging immune response to a substance the body’s become hypersensitive to. They can cause a reaction if the substance is inhaled, ingested, or via skin contact, and can cause a laundry list of symptoms and side effects.

Why are allergies a thing? The true answer is unknown, but there’s theories. One theory is the hygiene hypothesis; the idea that in developed nations, children are no longer routinely exposed to infections at a young age, which prevents their immune system from fully developing. Through this theory, allergy development in children can be improved through:

  • Breastfeeding and natural childbirth

  • Social exposure to other children

  • Outdoor activities 

  • Healthy balanced diet

  • Conservative antibiotic use

Well what about us adults? Is it too late to treat allergies? Dont fear, there are many natural remedies to aid your allergies reactions and improve their symptoms:

  • Healthy balanced diet: the majority of the immune systems located in the gut

  • Steam: helps open the sinuses 

  • Natural cleaning products: less chemicals in your home help improve air quality

  • Fresh air filters: air purifiers and filters help filter out all unwanted chemicals from coming into your homes airspace

Allow yourself to enjoy the season's beautiful weather, but know your body's vulnerability. Tapping into our intuition helps distinguish that vulnerability and how to move forward in that space. 


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Listen to Your Gut