My Favorite Strength Training: Pilates


We all know by now that movement and exercise are crucial pillars in maintaining optimal health and wellness. For some, exercising may be a normal part of their regularly scheduled programming. For others, not so much. Regardless of your opinion, there’s no getting around the fact that you must exercise. I always suggest to clients to try a wide range of exercise styles to see which one resonates with them and their body most, but I can’t help but rave about the benefits of one of my personal fav exercises; Pilates. Mentioned in further detail in my blog “Strength Training vs. Cardio”, strength training is a fundamental aspect of exercise. Everyone's body’s prefer different avenues, but man oh man does my body (and the bodies of millions) love Pilates. Let me tell you why!

There are many forms of Pilates; mat, reformer, megaformer, etc. Through all the various forms they all boil down to the principles of small isolated movements, using light or body weight, with zero impact. The purpose of this is to activate your slow twitch muscle fibers and lengthen and strengthen the body. What are slow twitch muscle fibers you may ask? They use energy slowly and efficiently throughout the day, keeping your body burning more throughout your day after taking Pilates and activating them. 

So this all sounds fine and all, but where do you truly benefit with Pilates? The list is extensive, so let me break it down to a few of my personal reasons as to why it’s my favorite form of strength training.

  • Builds core strength and works every ab you could ever want worked

  • Improved balance and posture, allowing those core and spinal muscles to strengthen

  • It is one of the best glute burner exercises, helping you work every corner of your booty.

Interested in giving Pilates a go? I always recommend starting in a beginners class if you want to try the reformer or megaformer, just because the transitions need to be quick from one exercise to the next to keep those slow twitch muscle fibers activated but if you're unfamiliar with the machine it may be confusing and frustrating. And trust me my dudes, you won’t be the only man in class. Many professional athletes incorporate Pilates into their weekly regimen to keep their core strong and stability sharp.


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