How To Train Your Brain
This past year I’ve had the amazing opportunity to study with the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and receive my Holistic Health Coach certification. In this certification, the aspect of human bio-individuality is emphasized. All humans are unique and deserve to be treated as such, there’s no one-size-fits-all way approach that magically fixes everyone's problems. There are many suggested ways of living that encompass the majority of human life, but the true key to unlocking personal success is acquiring a level of intuition to one's body and what it needs.
In one of our weekly modules, we listened to a lecture by Dr. Daniel Amen on his ideology of “training your brain”. As a brain specialist, Daniel speaks about specific brain disorders and their ties back to human lifestyle. Specifically mentioning obesity, depression, and Alzheimers, and how each are interrelated in that all three disorders are expressions of a similar unhealthy lifestyle.
Society encourages people to allow their inner child to run out of control, then expect surgery and modern medicine to get their bodies back in control. Don’t wait until you’re sick to get serious about your health, oftentimes there are issues lurking in the dark, asymptomatic. Daniel emphasizes four aspects of human life that can tackle many of the issues the body could be enduring. Coined “The 4 Circles”, he believes (through research findings) that biology, psychology, social life, and spirituality can all level out the imperfections happening within, and aid in any symptoms people may be experiencing. Let's dive into those four topics a little deeper for a clear explanation on how to move forward in this space.
Biology: the internal and external software, the wires and scaffolding that make up you. The diet you consume, the exercise you do. Emphasizing how diets shouldnt be extreme trends you eb and flow between, that you should be in a consistent way of consuming that nurtures your body and soul. Through whole foods as untouched by man as possible (besides how you cook it) you can nourish your body and allow for necessary processes to occur naturally and effortlessly. Through exercise and movement, you allow for your brain to be stimulated and body parts to strengthen, aiding in your longevity and quality of life. It’s no wonder this is #1 on the list, it all starts and ends with you!
Psychology: we’re talking about training our brain, right? What goes on in that special organ of yours helps determine what goes on throughout the rest of your body. Daniel Amen talks about how you shouldn't believe every one of the thousands of conversations you have with yourself in your thoughts, and how you should talk back to yourself when you don’t appreciate what your thoughts say. Over time through talking back and correcting negative thoughts, the habitual nature of those thoughts will disappear. Not only does positive thinking help regulate ourselves, it affects the effectiveness of the prefrontal lobe. The part that makes us us, the prefrontal lobe plays a key role in your decision making. When you have a healthy brain, you make healthy decisions. It really is that simple!
Social Life: we are tribal creatures, after all. Through social connections with people who uplift and inspire you, the quality of your life can increase exponentially. Conversations with high - vibe people help stimulate the brain and motivate you to continue making choices that are what's best for you! Peer pressure doesn't end in high school, it’s important to surround yourself with people who celebrate your successes instead of trying to tear you down with their failures. Unsure how to find your tribe? Check out one of our Happy Healthy Hershey led events here!
Spirituality: the belief in more helps inspire and connect. Whether its religion or your energy, prioritizing spirituality helps engage the brain and body in unique, important ways. The belief in more helps connect many dots in situations that are unexplainable, and improves the quality of your perspective of the world around you.
Knowing your body and its uniqueness is the biggest flex and a real life superpower. Being able to habitually make decisions for your overall well-being improves the quality of life in ways only known by those who’ve experienced it themselves. And once you know, you can never unknow. You may fall off the wagon a couple times, but you know what steps need to be done in order to get back on it. Utilizing these four circles can help make sense of your world, and begin an adventure of growth and discovery that creates life-long benefits.
Interested in meeting one on one for more health coaching tips? Reach out to me here!