Cold Water Therapy


Something that has become a popular trend in recent years, but has been so beneficial to the human body for generations! Coldwater therapy and utilizing ice baths have numerous health benefits that athletic humans have been enjoying for years, but recently have become more mainstream for the average human usage. Why is that? Should it be something you incorporate into your wellness regime? Let’s look deeper into its benefits and if it aligns with your health goals. 

Extreme temperature changes have a unique effect on the body. When you expose your body to the extreme temperatures and it begins to adjust, your vagus nerve is stimulated, which is directly linked with your parasympathetic nervous system. Through consistent exposure to cold plunges, you build up your body’s resilience to stress, aiding in anxiety, depression, and gut problems. 

Athletes have been utilizing cold water therapy for as long as time, as it’s incredibly beneficial for muscle recovery. Ice baths can change the way at which your blood flows, as vessels constrict due to the cold and open up upon temperature adjustment. This can assist in the removal of metabolic waste, while increasing the oxygen and nutrient intake to your muscles. 

As if the above benefits aren’t enough, cold water therapy can also assist in weight loss. Stimulating the production of brown fat, healthy fat our body’s need, while burning white fat, unhealthy fat tied to numerous health issues. Cold plunges can help your body avoid accumulating excess fat. 

Those are just a few of what I believe are the top benefits of engaging in cold water therapy, but the benefits are unique to each person's health goals. Interested in trying it out but don’t know where to find an accessible ice bath? Try running cold water through your shower at the end of each shower for at least 5 minutes! It may not be the same extreme coldness as an ice bath, but it still helps to stimulate all the above benefits! 

Interested in checking out cold water therapy in Tampa? Contact me here!


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