Happy Healthy Hershey
Unlock your Happiest, Healthiest life
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The Goal: Living YOUR Happiest, Healthiest Life
We all obtain an innate wisdom & intuition to our bodies & what it needs to thrive. Our bodies are these incredible bio-computers, working 24/7 on its singular, most important project: YOU! So much of our lives are spent scrutinizing these bodies & what they lack, when they deserve to be celebrated for all they do have.
When our perspective of health is shifted from a place of self-hate to a place of unconditional self-love, we can unlock this intuition & a life we never even knew was possible.
Tap Into Your Potential
Ever heard of the phrase, one man's health is another man's poison? Each one of us has a special, unique bio-individual body that requires something completely different than the person beside you. A concept that can seem so frustrating, but is so key to unlocking what your unique potential can hold.
This is where intuition comes in.
You can use all the health guidelines in the world to help you achieve your dream body, but the true hack is that intuition in knowing what your body needs & how things make it feel.
Unsure how to move forward? Don’t worry, I’ll help you understand your body’s cues & how to move forward in that space. Check out my blog for tips on where to start.
Move With Me
Come move with me weekly at Kodawari Studios, Bayshore Fit, Union Three, & Biomefit in Tampa & build consistency in your practice! With a variety of classes to choose from, strengthen your body with me weekly in a thoughtfully curated flow, and be inspired by a community of like-minded souls all on their journey of self discovery.
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Everything You Need To Level Up Life In One Place
In my blog posts I’ve highlighted aspects of health & wellness that can help take you to where you want to be & how you want to feel.
Topics ranging from nutrition facts, recipes, lifestyle hacks, and so much more, the Happy Healthy Hershey blog will help guide you on your journey of living your happiest, healthiest life.
Voyage Tampa Article - Rising Stars
I’m honored to have been featured in the publication Voyage Tampa in their Inspiring Stories & Rising Stars section! In this interview we discussed my story and journey to get where I am today, both personally and professionally, and dug deeper into my current modalities of teaching. I’m humbled to be listed as a rising star in Tampa, the city that's welcomed me and my craft with open arms, as my only intention is to help others live a happy healthy life through the modalities that have helped me.
My success is a result of patience in the process, presence in my body, and the desire to discover true inner peace. Click here to read the article!
“Nature has given us all the pieces required to achieve exceptional wellness and health, but has left it to us to put these pieces together.”
—Diane McLaren
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